Use "the haves and the have nots|the have and the have not" in a sentence

1. Never has Chabrol revealed so relentlessly the dangerous, ever-widening chasm between the haves and the have-nots.

2. 30 There are only two families in the world, as a grandmother of mine used to say, the haves and the have-nots. 

3. MLK: A Bootless Man Cannot Lift Himself By His Bootstraps This is America’s opportunity to help bridge the gulf between the haves and the have-nots

4. I think you can make fun of the have but not the have- nots, which is why you don't see me making fun of

5. The CM directed monitoring of Pannahgahs and Almonries and said the PTI government gave priority to the welfare of the have-nots

6. En These trends include overrated expectations in the field of nuclear disarmament, which are far from the real state of affairs in the sphere of strategic stability and international security; the obvious Contraposition of nuclear haves and have-nots and the growing populist rhetoric on the ostensibly “discriminatory” character of

7. We have Blouses for everyone – from clean classics to season’s must-haves

8. In Crosshairs, the second novel by Toronto writer and playwright Catherine Hernandez, the distinction between dystopia and reality becomes increasingly imperceptible.Hernandez presents the disintegration of Canada into a bifurcated society of haves and have-nots, a story made all the more terrifying for how much of it has already come to pass.

9. “Who am I, saith the Lord, that have promised and have not fulfilled?

10. And, though my fears have not left me altogether the wolf and I have made peace.

11. Cnidarians do not have mesoderm and therefore do not have organs

12. The rise of Credentialism is an onerous and angry philosophy of separation forced upon the “have nots” by the “already haves.” That phony-on-the-surface and irresistible-in-the-depths separation of people by paper is an ominous cloud along the horizon of our educated humanity because this is a separation not by talent or ability or deeds but by theory and strategy and if you doubt it

13. Bureaucrats have designed the legislation and Liberals have not accurately read what it will mean

14. " I should have taken the bridge and not the tunnel.

15. On this occasion the press have not been intrusive and they have shown great tact.

16. Most placental-born mammals do not have a cloaca and the Boniest fish do not have one either.

17. "I should have taken the bridge and not the tunnel.

18. For defective consumers, those contemporary have-nots, non-shopping is the jarring and festering stigma of a life un-fulfilled –and of own nonentity and good-for-nothingness.

19. Had the limit not been stated, the rent would have been unascertainable, and the stamp duty would have been £

20. Iron might not have melted and sunk to form the liquid core, and the magnetic field would never have developed.

21. Districts and the state do not have indicator scores.

22. “I have not had birth pains, and I have not given birth,

23. Well, we do not have buttermilk and we do not have bread.

24. And, thanks to the budget impasse, they have not.

25. I have not the herbs.

26. Munchkins do not have the abnormally long backbones that dachshunds have.

27. In FATA and Swat, villages have been flattened by the army's artillery and aerial bombing; many civilians have been killed, and local tribal leaders who have tried to resist the Taliban have not been supported by the army.

28. You have hunger; you have sex; you have power; and you have the urge for acquisitiveness.

29. I could have found a lot of other ways to make money and not have the heartache.

30. And their neighbors, which don't have the molecule, would not.

31. So why not take the plunge and have it over?

32. Unmoved, the Pharisees asked the officers: “You have not been misled also, have you?

33. 7 And if Christ had not risen from the dead, or have broken the bands of death that the grave should have no victory, and that death should have no asting, there could have been no resurrection.

34. “The appointed times” for the nations to have their rule have not yet expired.

35. The Circassians have lived in several countries and cities, and have lived the

36. Players do not have to have a Quiver equipped to gain the

37. The staff have been very complimentary, and so have the customers.

38. The years have not been kind to the Cashmeres. Henry Boyd, Ralph Riley, and Grover Mitchell have all passed away

39. You have not brought me the sheep of your whole burnt offerings, and with your sacrifices you have not glorified me.

40. Just as it is written: ‘The person with much did not have too much, and the person with little did not have too little.’”

41. Here we have arrived at the present, and yet I have not even mentioned my carved lacquer ware.

42. The 10-adic expansion ...999 does have a last 9, and it does not have a first 9.

43. Aitken was said to have been overconfident and not to have attempted any reconnaissance work in the area.

44. The ones that had hatched did not have Archenterons and were not motile

45. He and I are not rich; we do not have the externalization of the rich.

46. 1 The staff have been very complimentary, and so have the customers.

47. These exotic instruments have not yet produced the cataclysm thatJeremiahs have long forecast.

48. It is noticeable that women do not have the rivalry that men have.

49. The Swedes do not have Santa Claus . What they have is Christmas Gnome.

50. The police have not captured the mugger yet.

51. The actions of you and your associates have not gone unnoticed.

52. And the risks you have in mind will not exist there.

53. This is not the Overlord regulations and outright fraud have done?

54. 10 Do not guess other people's idea desirably , if you do not have the wisdom and experience's correct judgment,[] usually will have the mistake.

55. Accordant have enabled us to come to market in the most efficient and innovative way possible, we simply could not have done it without the partnership we have

56. The practice does not have any formal stance against interracial marriage, and many Falun Gong practitioners have interracial children.

57. Give me a break with your " could haves " and " should haves ".

58. Modals of Advisability Use modals to talk about actions and states that were advisable in the past, but did not happen.should haveought to have pastcould have + participlemight have You should have done the laundry

59. The F124 does not have an afterburner.

60. That's not the biggest smile you have.

61. The school's test scores have not improved.

62. Will it not have gloom, and not brightness?

63. 11 For years, parents and teachers have bemoaned the fact that we do not have a national childcare policy.

64. Ask not where the herds have gone.

65. Error: %# does not have the interface StorageAccess

66. The song does not have a chorus.

67. The middleman does not have goods himself.

68. The parting could not have been easy.

69. Belief in what men have called God, and enthusiasm for what men have called religion, have more embittered the human heart, have caused more bloodshed, and have damned more hopes than all the Atheisms the

70. You are not alone, and you have the priesthood and the gift of the Holy Ghost.

71. 2. The referred persons may not have or have had an account with PokerRoyaleOnline.

72. I have asked the social services for help, but they have not done anything.

73. A Constructor will have exact same name as the class and it does not have any return type at all, not even void

74. And they do have the option of using a shield and not using the halberd.

75. Use this command If you have not have the evaluation function binaries at Apery_rust

76. 9 It is noticeable that women do not have the rivalry that men have.

77. In this world you need not have tribulation because I have overcome the world.

78. You have a radiogram, have not you?

79. The workers were not scratched or bitten and have not been placed under quarantine.

80. And then you have three -- you still have the triple redundancy.